Seniors showcase their research

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It’s a well-known fact that Wake Forest undergraduates have the opportunity to conduct serious scholarly research with faculty mentors.

Five seniors will be recognized for their exemplary senior thesis research and senior projects during the annual Senior Showcase on April 26.

Alumni, faculty, students and staff are invited to attend the event from 3-4:30 p.m. in the Allen Mandelbaum Reading Room of Z. Smith Reynolds Library.

Honorees for 2011 are: Beth Ann Williams, “Faith: Education Reform in Post-Independence Kenya, 1963-1970”; Carey Carpenter, “En bsqueda de justicia en la novela sicaresca” (Seeking Justice in the Sicaresque Novel;) Anna Walker, “Three 21st Century Perspectives of Music for Christian Worship;” David Tokarz, “Accessing a Public: Enlightenment Rhetoric in First-wave Feminism”; and Allison Faig, “Nitrite Formation Through Reduction of Nitro-Containing Antibiotics.”

Staff Favorites

Deac to Deac

by Warren Anderson ('74)

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Exit Smiling

by Maria Henson ('82)

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On tour with the Wilsons

by Kerry M. King ('85)

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