Mind if we brag?

Web Exclusives


Mind if we brag on ourselves for a minute?

Wake Forest Magazine has won the Grand Award for Publishing Improvement from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) competition for District III, which covers the Southeast.

Judges cited the magazine’s improved design, content and writing in their comments. “Fantastic improvements made to this publication! It’s a striking magazine, and every attention to detail – from the design to the paper choice – really take Wake Forest Magazine to the next level,” wrote one judge. “It’s akin to a professional publication!”

Maria Henson (’82) is associate vice president and editor-at-large of the alumni magazine, which is published three times a year in print and year-round online. Readers can also follow us on Facebook and Google+.

Staff members are: Cherin C. Poovey (P ’08), managing editor; Kerry M. King (’85), senior editor; Janet Williamson (P ’00, P ’03), deputy editor; Hayes Henderson, creative director; Kris Hendershott and Julie Helsabeck, graphic designers; and Ken Bennett, contributing photographer.



About the Author

Cherin C. Poovey is retired managing editor of Wake Forest Magazine and mom to a 2008 Demon Deacon.

Staff Favorites

Deac to Deac

by Warren Anderson ('74)

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Exit Smiling

by Maria Henson ('82)

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On tour with the Wilsons

by Kerry M. King ('85)

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