Everybody has his or her “big day,” but few might claim a bigger one than alumni Clyde (’62) and Janice Howell (’62) Glosson.
For the young couple, June 4, 1962 was a day of milestones — military, academic and romantic.
“My parents 50th wedding anniversary is coming up on June 4, 2012,” wrote their son, Allen Glosson, to Wake Forest Magazine. “Now, what makes their story more interesting than others is that Mom and Dad graduated in the morning, Dad was commissioned in the Army in the afternoon, and they got married in the evening.”

The Glossons pictured on the back cover of the June 1962 Wake Forest Magazine
Glosson wrote that his father retired as a colonel in 1989, and his mother is a retired clinical social worker. His parents, who were both from Virginia, moved to Copperas Cove, Texas. There they are active in local civic and military communities as well as their church. They also have a daughter, Diana Glosson Newton, and three grandchildren: Ann, Kaci and Lori.
“They are still married, something of a feat in today’s culture,” he wrote.
A “Happy Anniversary” wish from Wake Forest Magazine!