In Service to Humanity

Louis Bissette ('65, P '94) and Killian Noe ('80) receive 2015 Distinguished Alumni Awards

Summer 2015


Every spring, Wake Forest recognizes alumni who reflect the spirit of Pro Humanitate through their service to community and alma mater. This year’s recipients, Louis Bissette (’65, P ’94) and Kathy “Killian” Noe (’80), were recognized on April 17.

20150129bissette1550Louis Bissette (’65, P ’94)
Asheville, North Carolina

If loyalty to one’s alma mater can be measured through volunteer leadership, guidance and community involvement, then Louis Bissette’s longstanding devotion to Wake Forest requires an extended yardstick. “Probably the most important entity in my life, other than my family, has been Wake Forest and the friends I made there.”

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20150417daa-banquet6100Kathy “Killian” Noe (’80)
Seattle, Washington

For three decades, Killian Noe (’80) has reached out to those trapped in the dark pit of trauma, depression, mental illness, drugs and homelessness. As the founding director of Recovery Café in Seattle, Washington, and co-founder of Samaritan Inns in Washington, D.C., she’s helped thousands of people rebuild shattered lives.

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Staff Favorites

Deac to Deac

by Warren Anderson ('74)

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by Kerry M. King ('85)

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Restoring the Coastline

by Kelly Greene ('91)

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