Left, orchestral rehearsal with David Hagy, teaching professor and orchestra director, September 2019. Right, "Triptych" by Zhekai Lu ('17) draws visitors to look and listen at the opening of a Wake Forest student video art and sculpture show on Baity Street, April 2017.
- An installation for “Student Bodies” by students in Professor David Finn’s public art class, November 2017.
- Studio painting class led by Page Laughlin, art department chair and professor of painting, September 2014.
- Visiting artist CJ Harker of Philadelphia, specializing in historic processes, teaches tintype photography in an alternative methods darkroom class, November 2016.
- Eli Bradley (’18) and Michael Kamtman, assistant teaching professor, prepare for the WFU Theatre’s production of “Spring Awakening,” March 2018.
- Creating a soapstone carving in Professor David Finn’s class, March 2019.
- Students in Page Laughlin’s studio art class mix paints, September 2014.
- Rehearsal for the gamelan concert, featuring many bronze percussive instruments from Bali, March 2019.
- Final dress rehearsal for the Wake Forest University Dance Company’s spring concert, April 2015.
- A lesson in improvisation for Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos (’22) on trumpet and Yasuhiro Nakae (’23), September 2019.
- Final dress rehearsal for Wake Forest University Theatre’s production of “She Kills Monsters,” September 2017.
- Students in the filmmaking class of Joel Tauber, associate professor who teaches video art, project their work onto the wall of the Bailey Power Plant downtown, February 2019.
- Theatre students hold a dress rehearsal for “The Adding Machine,” directed by Associate Professor Brook Davis, on the Tedford Stage, February 2018.
- Wake Forest Associate Professor of Music Brian Gorelick (P ’17) teaches the concert choir class in Scales Fine Arts Center, September 2019.
- Dance students in Christina Soriano’s Dance Improvisation class attend a master class in dance, art and music in the Hanes Gallery, March 2017.
- Dance students rehearse for the Fall Dance Recital on the Tedford Stage, November 2018.
- Scales Fine Arts Center