Web Stories

101 Things We Love About Wake Forest

101 Things We Love About Wake Forest

Maria Henson ('82), Cherin C. Poovey (P '08), Kerry M. King ('85), Allison Cacich ('13)

101 Things We Love About Wake Forest No. 1 – No. 25 No. 26 – No. 50 No. 51 – No. 75 No. 76 – No. 101 Thanks also to contributors Katie Mahone (’13), Clare Rizer (’13) and those of you who answered our call for ideas on Facebook. Did we leave out one of […]

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Wade Murphy (’00) helps endow the Humanities Institute with $1 million gift

Wade Murphy (’00) helps endow the Humanities Institute with $1 million gift

In February, Wade Murphy (’00), executive vice president of Marmik Oil Co. in El Dorado, Ark., made history as the only person under 35 to make a single seven-figure gift in the University’s history. Murphy, a member of the College Board of Visitors, donated $1 million to the Humanities Institute. In 2010 the National Endowment […]

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Richard M. Burr, Winston-Salem, N.C., and Washington, D.C.

Richard M. Burr, Winston-Salem, N.C., and Washington, D.C.

Wake Forest Magazine

As with every elected official, it can be tempting to consider U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (’78) in policy terms. He’s the guy who streamlined bureaucracy to expedite medical care for millions of Americans, for example. But to get the real point, ask somebody across the allegedly impassable gulf of partisanship to describe what makes the […]

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Jane Owens Cage, Joplin, Mo.

Jane Owens Cage, Joplin, Mo.

Wake Forest Magazine

With an evangelism of action, not words, Jane Owens Cage (’78) embodies the Wake Forest spirit of Pro Humanitate. She stepped up to serve her community when it needed her most, using business savvy and a gift for connecting with people and building consensus to lead the Citizens Advisory Recovery Team that brought Joplin, Mo., […]

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The late Graham W. Denton, Jr. (’67)

The late Graham W. Denton, Jr. (’67)

Wake Forest Magazine

Last October, three months before the distinguished alumnus lost his fight with pancreatic cancer, Wake Forest had a chance to thank Trustee Graham W. Denton Jr. (’67) for his devotion and service to the University. The University and Denton’s colleagues at Bank of America, where Denton had been an executive, announced that the main reception […]

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Inside Out

Inside Out

Allison Cacich ('13), Intern

At the end of the Fall 2012 semester, sophomore Lindsay Hudson Ortyn stumbled across a 24-minute video that she couldn’t keep to herself. The clip was from a March 2011 TED conference, dedicated to promoting “ideas worth spreading,” and it featured independent graffiti artist JR talking about his new project, “Inside Out.” Hudson Ortyn, fascinated […]

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